In the present instructional guide, I shall demonstrate the process of generating and retrieving a CSV file utilizing PHP.

It is a frequently encountered requirement to convert your MySQL dataset into the CSV format compatible with Excel, whether for the purposes of generating reports or facilitating data migration into a different database platform.

Within the scope of this tutorial, I will meticulously elucidate the discrete steps entailed in the creation of a CSV file through PHP and subsequently expound upon the procedure for downloading said CSV file through PHP.

In essence, our undertaking encompasses two fundamental operations: the establishment of a CSV file and the enforcement of a download action for the same CSV file within a web browser.

A Comprehensive Guide to Creating and Downloading a CSV file in PHP

This article outlines a detailed step-by-step guide to creating and downloading a CSV file using PHP. Each step is broken down to its barest minimum for a better understanding of the process.

Constructing an HTML Download Button for CSV

Often, the download process of a CSV file is initiated by the click of a button. Hence, it’s pivotal to create an HTML button for generating and downloading the CSV file.

To do this, start by making an index.php file and integrate the following HTML:

<form action="" method="post">
    <input type="submit" value="Download CSV"  class="button">

This simplistic HTML code generates a button that, when clicked, triggers the download of the CSV file. But, by default, this button may not appear visually appealing. Next, let’s see how to add some style to the download button using CSS.

Tip: Be sure to replace the form action attribute with the appropriate file path that should handle the CSV download.

Integrating CSS to Improve the Button’s Aesthetics

To create an engaging user interface, it’s important to style the HTML elements, including the download button. This section focuses on enhancing the visual appeal of the download button using CSS. Stay tuned for the next section, where we’ll dive into creating and downloading the CSV file using PHP.

Beautifying the Download Button with CSS

In this section, we explore how to further elevate the user experience by enhancing the aesthetics of the HTML button. While it’s not mandatory, implementing CSS styles will make your CSV download button more visually appealing and user-friendly.

To do this, create a CSS stylesheet or add the following CSS to the <head> section of your index.php file:

body {
        font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
.button {
        font-family: Montserrat;
        font-weight: bold;
        color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
        font-size: 16px;
        background-color: rgb(0, 103, 171);
        width: 200px;
        height: 40px;
        border: 0;
        border-radius: 6px !important;
        cursor: pointer;

This CSS code transforms the plain HTML button into an attractive, clickable element with a bold font and a background color.

Note: Although the CSS code isn’t imperative, it’s recommended to improve the user interface of your application. A well-styled download button can make the file download process more intuitive for users.

Remember that the CSS styles can be modified based on the overall design of your web application. Feel free to use different fonts, colors, sizes, and shapes to align the button’s design with your website’s aesthetic theme.

Next, we’ll explore how to use PHP to create and download a CSV file, making the HTML button functional.

Bringing It All Together: Creating and Downloading a CSV File with PHP

With our download button styled nicely, it’s time to power it up with PHP. In this section, we provide a PHP script designed to generate and download the CSV file upon the click of the button.

Process of download csv file in php

Paste the following script at the top of the index.php file:

    $headers = array('id', 'name');
    $delimiter = ",";
    $filename = "PHPexampleCSV-export-".date('Y-m-d-H-i-s').".csv"; 
    $f = fopen('php://output', 'w');

    fputcsv($f, $headers, $delimiter);

    $data = array(
        array("id" => 1, "name" => "Javed Ur Rehman"),
        array("id" => 2, "name" => "Syed Ahsan Kamal"),
        array("id" => 3, "name" => "Abdul Muqeet Arab")

    foreach($data as $row){ 
        $rowContent = array($row['id'], $row['name']); 
        fputcsv($f, $rowContent, $delimiter); 

    header('Content-Type: text/csv'); 
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'";'); 

The PHP script works as follows:

  • When the HTML form is submitted (which is triggered by the button click), the script will run;
  • It defines the column headers for the CSV file and prepares the filename with a timestamp;
  • It opens an output stream for writing the CSV data;
  • fputcsv() writes the headers to the CSV file;
  • A data array is created with some sample data. In a practical application, you may fetch this data from a database or user inputs;
  • A foreach loop then iterates through the data array. Each row is written to the CSV file;
  • After all the data has been written, fclose() is used to close the output stream;
  • Finally, HTTP headers are set to notify the browser that it will be downloading a CSV file. The script then ends with exit().

Tips and insights:

  • Always validate and sanitize any user input data before using it;
  • In a real-world scenario, the data to be written to the CSV file will likely be more dynamic, often coming from a database query;
  • You can add more fields by adding more items to the $headers array and adjusting the $rowContent array accordingly.

Breaking Down the PHP Code: Understanding Its Inner Workings

The PHP code provided earlier might seem extensive, but it is straightforward to comprehend once broken down. Here is a step-by-step walkthrough of what the PHP code accomplishes:

  1. The code first verifies if the HTML form has been submitted. If the form has been submitted (i.e., the download button has been clicked), the PHP script proceeds to execute;
  2. The script begins by defining the CSV column headers and the file name. It also establishes an array that acts as the data source for the CSV.
    • Remember, the provided sample data is for illustrative purposes. To create a more dynamic CSV file, data could be fetched from a database, user forms, APIs, or any other data sources;
  3. The array values, representing rows of data, are then written to the CSV file. This is achieved through a foreach loop that iterates through each row of data in the array;
  4. Next, the output stream (which has stored the CSV file data in memory) is closed using the fclose() function. This action finalizes the CSV file creation;
  5. Finally, the browser is instructed to download the created CSV file. To accomplish this, specific headers are set to indicate the type of file being downloaded and its name. The exit() function is used to terminate script execution.

Here are some tips to ensure optimal operation of the code:

  • Data Validation: Always validate and sanitize any data derived from user inputs, APIs, or databases prior to utilizing it in your CSV file;
  • Error Handling: It’s wise to have error handling mechanisms in place to detect any issues during CSV file creation or download;
  • Testing: Always test your implementation across different browsers to ensure consistent functionality.

Remember, this guide offers an introduction to creating and downloading CSV files using PHP. There are numerous ways to customize and expand these operations according to individual project needs. Happy coding!


By now, you should be well-versed in the art of generating and retrieving CSV files using PHP. The procedure is remarkably straightforward, thanks to PHP’s array of convenient functions designed for swift execution.

I always strive to convey information in the most uncomplicated manner possible. If you happen to have any questions lingering, don’t hesitate to drop them in the comment section below.

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