No matter what website you are planning – 4-5 or 15-20 pages – you need to understand that it requires time, effort and finances. After all, this is your origin of real estate – your private property, construction and arrangement, which relates to your personality. Do your best to get your website into a help system that’s convenient and customer-friendly.
In a prefabricated building, in contrast to working with a hammer, saw or other construction tool, increase productivity down to the smallest detail. This also applies to the Internet resource. Who starts drawing a site without first planning the stages and agreeing with the customer? Unless those who do not know what they are doing. Or unscrupulous performers. So, in the morning money, and chairs somehow in half a year – with criminal legs and gnawed upholstery.
1. Goals and objectives of the web-site
Creating a website is a rather big project. Even if the resource is small, it can play a significant role in business development, and therefore even one-page sites require a large amount of work and careful processing of all details. When you decide to create a big project, the main thing is to set goals. If you do not do this before creating a website, your ideas about future work will remain very, very vague. Like the whole project in the end.
Without knowing what you want to achieve, you will create a site that has either too much or too little information. There is another option: there will be enough information, but little or not on the topic. Setting goals for your Internet resource will result in many advantages in the future, among which the main one is the convenience of working with it (clear structure and easy navigation). Early planning will also then allow you to analyze whether your investment in the project pays off and how quickly. Otherwise, how do you know if your site is successful if you don’t set a goal? What will you compare with? Goal setting does not take much time. Don’t miss this step. It is important.
If you are creating a business website, it may have the following main goals:
- sell (for e-commerce);
- attract customers;
- present a product or product line;
- tell about the service;
- collect Leads (contact details);
- tell about your company;
- build long-term relationships with customers;
- inform CA.
- increase brand coverage and recognition using digital channels.
In addition, the web resource provides additional opportunities to the owner. Namely: to form a brand reputation; additional channels for collecting data on CA; digitization and analytics of business processes and marketing.

2. Study of the target audience
Before determining what form your site will take, think about the following questions:
- who is the web resource for?
- what are the benefits of your potential customers?
- what information will be useful and interesting for them?
- what do they like more: reading or watching content?
- what communication channels are used?
- can I contact them via email?
This is by no means a complete list of questions to be answered before development begins: it can be expanded according to the subject of the future resource.
3. Creating a technical task (TOR)
An extremely important step. Errors here are unacceptable, as they can occur at any stage and eventually throw the project far back. And then start all over again. quality design
The TOR prescribes the main requirements of the project, its capabilities and method of operation. Based on it, you can make dozens and hundreds of sites with different visual parameters.
Basic requirements to the technical task:
- Detail. Everything that a specialist must do must be specified in the vehicle. Even if it’s a required part of the job, even if the developer has done it hundreds of times and doesn’t need a reminder. Every requirement, every aspect of work should be prescribed in the TOR.
- No inaccuracies. Any ambiguous wording or subjectivity has no place in the terms of reference. This is an instruction that says what and how to do, and the concepts: “good”, “beautiful”, “clings” to all different.
- Written in plain language. Correction: clear to the specialist. This means that the specialist should not decipher and ask what exactly they want from him. If you use special terms in it, they must be clear to the person for whom the vehicle was created. And vice versa. If you see a set of words that you do not understand, it does not mean that the artist sees the same thing.