Today you can see lots of informative advertising in which the company focuses on creating the best website. The beginning of a new decade always marks big changes. Lets have a look at an example with the first iPad which appeared in early 2010. According to online magazines it was a huge step forward in the development of tablets and computer technology in general.
In the industry where the websites are being developed, there are specifics and trends dictated by different stakeholders that vary from year to year.
We can divide the trends of the web development in 2021 into several areas:
- Mobile version adaptation
- Website speed and performance optimization
- Personalization of illustrated design
- Custom pre-build CSS3 animation
- Easy to load background video
- Minimalism in design
This is one of the major trends that appeared in 2019. This was a year when Google decided to separate its search results into mobile and desktop. This algorithm is being setted to analyze the mobile version of the website based on the internal links and the content priority from the sitemap. This algorithm is pretty trendy even today, that’s why all the developers focus on the mobile version first.
The second important reason for this trend to exist is SEO, the goal of which is to drive web traffic. Also, if you take into consideration statistics of this subject, 50% of all traffic that comes to the website is coming from mobile devices. And these are the main factors that put mobile version adaptation in the first place.
Website speed and performance optimization
What would be the time frame during which the website visitor decides to leave the website or stay there. And here is the answer – magic 3 seconds. That’s why the core goal of the website speed and performance optimization is to make it upload in less than 3 seconds. For the legacy websites and web applications this option is only available with a well built cloud migration strategy. Also the design of the website should be driven by the goal of building visuals and animations to make users stay longer.
The point with a 3 second rule is also proven with statistics coming from Akamai and, which proves that 50% of website visitors wish to download a website in three seconds or less.
These 3 seconds place website speed and performance optimization in second position in the website development trends list.
According to the latest trends in software development there are lots of modern new technologies aiming to make everything personalized and customized for each user. That’s why machine learning and artificial intelligence were created.

According to research or statistics user personalization improves conversion rates and average time to visit up to 7 times. You can find the reflection of these latest development trends in email notifications, custom content and paragraphs, product listings, interface and more. In recent years the world e-commerce giants like Amazon, Walmart started to use content and illustration personalisation to build better relationships and deliver custom shopping suggestions to their clients. And let’s look where these companies are now.
When companies realized how important personalized content and illustrations are they started to invest huge percentages of the innovation budget into this trend which automatically reflected the website design and development agencies. Since 2018, it has been automatically added to the customers’ wish list.
The internet user desires to get the information through educational videos and animations. That’s why starting from 2018 (according to Forbes) rapid videos and animations became one of the most important development trends. All of that brought lots of attention to the CSS3 technology. Now you can find lots of builders and predefined codes, that allows easily build beautiful animations to grab users attention.
As was already said, one of the best tricks to get website visitors attention is and will be video content. Lots of companies even started adding a background video on the website’s home page. You might consider why? Because if you compare lots of content that would take 10-15 minutes to read, a short 2 minute video might not only get the user’s attention but even convince him to submit a request to buy a product online.