This article delves into the intricacies of manipulating database records using PHP and MySQLi. As an extension of the “Simple User Registration & Login Script in PHP and MySQLi,” this guide assumes prior knowledge of basic user registration and login creation in PHP.


Before proceeding, ensure you have a working knowledge of PHP and MySQLi, and have set up user registration and login forms. Familiarity with PHP versions ranging from 5.6 to 8.2 is beneficial for this tutorial.

Step-by-Step Implementation

  1. Creating a Record Table
  • Implement the SQL command: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ‘new_record’… to establish a new table for record-keeping.
  1. Developing the Dashboard Interface
  • Modify the dashboard.php to include links for record insertion, viewing, editing, and deletion.
  1. Inserting Records
  • In the insert.php file, integrate PHP code to facilitate the addition of new records to the database.
  1. Viewing Records
  • Develop the view.php page to display existing records, using a structured table format.
  1. Editing Records
  • On the edit.php page, incorporate functionality to modify existing records.
  1. Deleting Records
  • Implement deletion capability in delete.php, allowing removal of records from the database.

Advanced Concepts: PHP CRUD Operations

For those using PHP 7 and PHP 8, exploring PHP CRUD operations using PDO Prepared Statements is recommended for enhanced compatibility and security.

Security Considerations

While this tutorial covers the basics, incorporating robust security measures is crucial for live or production environments.

Advanced Database Optimization Techniques

In enhancing PHP and MySQLi applications, database optimization plays a pivotal role. This section explores advanced techniques to improve performance and scalability. Indexing is a crucial aspect, where creating indexes on frequently queried fields can significantly reduce query time. Another technique is query optimization, which involves rewriting queries for efficiency and using JOINs instead of multiple queries. Additionally, understanding the EXPLAIN statement in MySQL helps in analyzing and optimizing complex queries. Regular database maintenance, including timely updates and backups, ensures robustness and data integrity. Lastly, consider using stored procedures and triggers for repetitive tasks, reducing server load and improving response time.

Integrating AJAX for Dynamic Data Handling

Incorporating AJAX with PHP and MySQLi brings a dynamic edge to web applications. AJAX allows for asynchronous data communication between client and server, enabling smoother user experiences. This section covers the basics of implementing AJAX in a PHP and MySQLi environment. We discuss the creation of XMLHttpRequest objects and how to send requests to a server-side PHP script without reloading the page. Handling JSON data, an efficient format for AJAX communication, is also covered. Practical examples include real-time form validation, live search features, and dynamic content loading. Emphasizing best practices, this segment ensures developers can implement AJAX efficiently, improving interactivity and performance in their applications.

Security Best Practices in PHP and MySQLi Development

Security is paramount in web development. This section delves into essential security practices for PHP and MySQLi applications. We start with SQL injection prevention, emphasizing the use of prepared statements and parameterized queries. Cross-site scripting (XSS) is another focus area, where we discuss output encoding and the use of content security policies. CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) mitigation techniques, such as using anti-CSRF tokens, are explained. Additionally, we cover secure session management, highlighting the importance of secure, HTTP-only cookies and session regeneration. Password security is another critical topic, where we discuss hashing passwords using algorithms like bcrypt. These practices ensure that developers can build secure and reliable applications.

Comparative Table: Traditional vs. AJAX-Enabled PHP Applications

FeatureTraditional PHP ApplicationAJAX-Enabled PHP Application
Page ReloadRequired for updatesNo reload, asynchronous updates
User ExperienceLess dynamicMore interactive and seamless
Data HandlingFull page refreshPartial page update
Speed and PerformanceRelatively slowerFaster response times
Development ComplexitySimpler, linear flowRequires more intricate scripting

Sample Code: AJAX with PHP and MySQLi

// AJAX request handling in PHPif(isset($_POST[‘ajaxRequest’])) {    // Database connection    $mysqli = new mysqli(“localhost”, “username”, “password”, “database”);
    // Query execution    $query = “SELECT * FROM table_name”;    $result = $mysqli->query($query);
    // Fetching data    $data = array();    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {        array_push($data, $row);    }
    // Returning JSON data    echo json_encode($data);
    // Close connection    $mysqli->close();}

PHP Shopping Cart Implementation

In the realm of e-commerce, a well-functioning shopping cart is essential. This section delves into creating a robust and user-friendly shopping cart using PHP and MySQLi. The primary goal is to design a system that efficiently manages products, user selections, and transactions.

1. Understanding the Basics

A PHP shopping cart typically involves storing product data in a MySQL database and handling user sessions to track individual carts. The basic structure includes product display, cart addition/removal functions, and checkout processes.

2. Database Design

Start by designing a MySQL database to store product information (like IDs, names, prices, and descriptions) and cart data. Normalize the database to ensure efficiency and maintainability.

3. Displaying Products

Using PHP, retrieve product data from the database and display it in an accessible format. This can include pagination, sorting, and filtering functionalities for enhanced user experience.

4. Managing the Cart

Implement PHP sessions or cookies to manage user carts. Sessions are preferred for their security and simplicity. Provide options to add, update, or remove items from the cart.

5. Checkout Process

The checkout process should handle user data collection, order summary display, and integration with payment gateways. Emphasize security, especially when handling personal and payment information.

6. Advanced Features

Consider adding advanced features like wish lists, product recommendations, and promotional code applications. These features can significantly enhance user experience and sales.

7. Security and Performance

Ensure the application is secure against common threats like SQL injection and XSS. Also, optimize the cart’s performance to handle large volumes of traffic and data efficiently.

Practical Example

Here’s a simplified PHP snippet for adding a product to the shopping cart:

// Adding product to cartif(isset($_POST[‘addToCart’])) {    $productId = $_POST[‘productId’];    $quantity = $_POST[‘quantity’];
    // Check if cart session variable is set    if(isset($_SESSION[‘cart’])) {        $cart = $_SESSION[‘cart’];        if(array_key_exists($productId, $cart)) {            // Update quantity if product exists            $cart[$productId] += $quantity;        } else {            // Add new product to cart            $cart[$productId] = $quantity;        }    } else {        // Create new cart if not set        $cart = array($productId => $quantity);    }
    // Update cart session variable    $_SESSION[‘cart’] = $cart;    echo “Product added to cart successfully!”;}


This guide provides a foundational understanding of managing database records with PHP and MySQLi. For those interested in advanced topics, exploring Laravel 10 CRUD applications and user roles is recommended.

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